Clear plastic cards in a 5 cent bin? Those can't be passed up. I picked up a few additional non-Cardinals for some unsuspecting bloggers. I hate to think of all of the damage caused to the environment by all of the absurd and completely unnecessary technologies employed to create baseball cards in the late '90s.
Topps Pristine is a great looking set. I'm not usually a fan of cropping the background out of photos, but these look good with the huge logos behind the players.
Yes, there are even junk wax cards that I need. Someday when I have some time (after winning the lottery, presumably) I will add the junk wax era sets to my want list. In the meantime, I will continue to receive crates full of 1990 Donruss Jose DeLeon cards from trading partners.
Anytime I have a chance to get Walmart or Target parallel cards, I jump at them. Literally. You should have seen the look on the dealer guy's face when I showed off my vertical leap upon finding this card.
I probably already own this card. I just had to scan it. Royal Rookies have to be the worst looking cards ever produced. They make 1990 Topps look like 1971 Topps in comparison. Pacific wouldn't even be caught dead at a party with these guys.
I'm a sucker for serial numbered cards, which means I even came home with an unsuspecting Miguel Flores card. Flores was last seen here on Future Redbirds some time in Spring Training 2009.
I think Winchester is laughing at the aburdity that he has to share a card with Holliday. "Everyone knows I'm the real deal and Holliday won't amount to squat."