Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Want List Unlocked

Is anyone putting together 2018 Topps Heritage? 

I got an early start on my want list for this year's Topps Heritage set, which means my want list is nearly the whole set. I think that's okay, though. It's always good to know what you're taking on.

Out of the five short printed cards that I've pulled so far, two of them were dupes. This really shouldn't happen when there's one hundred of them out there, but such is life. This awkward pair is up for grabs for anyone who is trying to put this thing together.


  1. I've pulled 20 short prints and 5 were dupes. I opened two hobby boxes and the entire second box was exactly the same except for 12 cards. Needless to say, I have some dupes I can send your way. I plan on getting everything organized in the next day or two. I'll shoot you a note to let you know what I can send.

  2. I can send 20 of them right now.

  3. I could use the Dickey if it's still available. I have a bunch of Heritage dupes, I'll check your want list.

  4. I gotta check, but I could probably use the other SP.


Comments are highly encouraged, but then again, so is eating your fruits and vegetables.