Friday, March 26, 2021

Free Stuff Friday: Vol 14

Now with extra Sport Kings. (Sportkings?) 
A brand new Target opened in my area recently. I had made plans to be there on opening day to see if there was anything interesting in their trading cards area, but I completely spaced it and missed the opening by a couple of days. As you might have expected, there wasn't really anything worth picking up by the time I was there. I did see a few Sportkings (aka Sport Kings Gum) blasters on the shelf and figured it might be worth a blog post at least. I double checked the checklist and saw that Randall Cunningham was on it, which pretty much sealed it. Will I find the Randall?

The cards, purportedly made by college football card manufacturers SAGE, are interest enough I suppose. The artwork is mostly fine, save for this monstrously freakish Maurice Cheeks card. What did they do to you, Mo?! Why does it look like you weigh about 700 pounds?

I found the Randall! He's also on the autograph checklist, and each box contains a bonus pack that contains some kind of hit. I wasn't quite that lucky, however.

I also didn't notice that there was a Cardinals card on the checklist, so this Ted Simmons was a nice addition to my collection.

Everything else from the box (excluding Cunningham and Simmons) are available. Feel free to claim away below. The usual rules apply.

The Froome card is creased for some reason.

Jesse Burkett is also creased, despite these being pristine looking cards inside pristine looking packs. Weird.

Old Tom and Mo Cheeks could be getting ready to wrestle.

This Froome card is not creased, however.

 Speaking of Froome, here's the card from the bonus pack. Any Tour de France fans out there?


  1. I would be interested in the Leah Pruett, Babe Ruth, Randy Johnson and Walter Alston cards please.

  2. That's a Blues uni on the Federko, so you might want to hang on to that one as well. As for FSF, feel free to set that Vince Carer aside for a future mailer.

  3. There's a new Sport Kings set? That's the best news all week. I love this product. I was hoping that Sage would release this set back in 2019. Hopefully I'll be able to find a reasonably priced complete set.

  4. Hey you got the Randall card you wanted. Always nice to see that.

    I would have asked for the Burkett, but not if it's creased.

  5. nice to see jerry grote in a set, even as a met. too late for the alston but i'm glad to know it exists!

  6. There's some pretty nice artwork there.


Comments are highly encouraged, but then again, so is eating your fruits and vegetables.