Thursday, December 28, 2023

Mayo Contest Winner and a Reminder


Congrats to The Lost Collector, who had the closest guess in this year’s Duke’s Mayo Bowl. WVU handily defeated UNC by a 30-10 score. The Lost Collector will win a new chunky pack of baseball cards to be sent sometime in the new year.

If you’re part of the big contest, don’t forget to make any last minute picks you may have left until the end. And make sure to come back after the big games on Monday night to make or adjust your championship predictions before the big big game.


  1. I'm doing poorly in the overall contest, so glad to have win this one! Thanks for the contest!

  2. Congratulations TLC! Oh man... my picks have been bad this year. Sure hope I didn't jinx the two teams I'm rooting for.

  3. I completely missed out this time, congrats to TLC and Happy New Year everyone!


Comments are highly encouraged, but then again, so is eating your fruits and vegetables.