Monday, September 2, 2019

Bru Destroys the Want Lists

Set needs and more from @marcbrubaker make the want lists more manageable. 

As soon as I make the piles of cards on my desk start to disappear, even more piles seem to appear. Such was the case with this huge stack of cards I got back in May from Marc Brubaker (FKA Remember the Astrodome). I haven't given my set building a ton of attention here of late, but I managed to snap a photo of most of the cards that head towards the sets (instead of the team binders).


Along with the full-sized Ginter and Heritage needs that you'd expect, I pulled out a bunch of minis to scan. Look at all of these minis! This array manages to be mostly made of humans, with just one landmark and zero other animals. I feel like there are more animal-based inserts sets lately.

Of course, there were also a few Cardinals cards for the Cardinals collection, including a couple of current closer Carlos Martinez. The way Blogger likes to format images here makes this mini look much larger than the fifteen other minis that I scanned. I should probably migrate to my own domain name (and Wordpress) like Marc did, but that would take me a lot of time and I assume some money as well. It would be nice to get away from Google eventually, but will any of us truly ever get completely away from Google?

Finally, here's a Goldy from this year's Big League set. I still need three base cards from this set as well as countless numbers of parallels if anyone has any extras. Check out the (team) wants here as usual.

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