Sometimes discussion of one card leads to a big box in the mail, which is exactly what happened last month when I received a huge haul of Cardinal cards from
GCRL. I was trying to think of a Cardinal equivalent for the Garvey, Cey, Russell, Lopes arrangement and all I could come up with was Ozzie, McGee, Hernandez, Porter. I don't think a '70s foursome would quite work as the Cardinals by all accounts were pretty awful during that decade.

J.D. Drew is
apparently retiring. That makes me feel extremely old. He's officially the first megaprospect from the days where I started to regain a little bit of interest in sports for the first time since I was in college to actually hang it up. Even though I never liked J.D. Drew, this makes me sad.

Tino Martinez is looking like a middle infielder here. Weird.

I'm not entirely sure what this set it is, but it curiously has some airbrushed logos. It was produced in 1995 and has a Coke logo and an unfamiliar Sonic logo on the back.

This is actually from the 2008 Topps Cardinals team set and stood out to me because I don't think Spiezio ever got a regular issue 2008 Topps card.

I'm actually less interested/disturbed by Looper's presence here than I am by John Patterson and this Aqua Diamondbacks look. Yikes.

This is a busy design, but it still looks nice. A lot of the current Topps cards with old timey players just look lazy.

Token Edmonds Card.

Token Ankiel As A Pitcher Card

Tino Martinez doesn't get a ton of mention here at Cards on Cards, as his role with St. Louis was effectively to bridge the gap between superstar Mark McGwire and Super Scrooge. I really like the look of this card, though.

Somewhere among the chaos of this huge box was a Bob Gibson fold-out poster from some sort of Fleer / SI set. It's a nice thing to have.

I received no less than three of the "My Name Is Not Jeff" Pendleton rookie cards in this box, but sadly I am still on the quest for the corrected "Terry" version of this card.

Always nice to get a Willie rookie card! If there's anyone I'd like to see the Cardinals break their "we don't retire numbers if they're not in the Hall" policy for, it would be Jim Edmonds. Willie would be a close second, though! I do believe that, unofficially, #51 is retired since no one seems to ever wear it. Unfortunately, there's been a fair amount of #15s since Edmonds left, including the current holder Rafael Furcal.

Man, I miss '80s Donruss artwork.

So here is the real impetus of the trade. At long last, I finally get to put a Jamie Moyer card in one of my Cardinals binders. This is a big moment for this blog, considering that it was (and continues to be) one of my collecting goals to actually get Moyer in a Cardinals uniform. I don't remember Moyer ever being a Cardinal even though his time with the team coincided with my high school years and days when I kept up with baseball cards pretty closely. I still don't actually have Moyer in a Cards uniform, but I'm close now. I didn't know this card actually existed (as far as a Cardinals team collector would care) until I read about it on GCRL's
most excellent O-Pee-Chee blog. I highly recommend it.