Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Birds and Such

It's another group break round-up. 
It's been pointed out a number of times that I seem to collect a lot of bird teams. Both pro bird teams were heavily represented in the latest round of group breaks I opted in to from Colbey's Affordable Group Breaks. These mostly represent, well, let's call it Q4 of 2023.

I don't buy a lot of football, so most of my Eagles acquisitions are random base cards that I feel like adding to my want list over at TCDB. It's always nice to get some newer stuff, especially since I'm not such a hardcore Eagles fan that I always remember a ton of players.

I certainly don't remember these guys, but I love a clear acetate sports card. This is from some sort of 1996 Collector's Edge set.

There weren't many exciting photos to choose from in my haul from the 1996 Upper Deck Silver Collection, so I ended up just choosing my favorite player of the bunch.

The smaller, redder birds were well-represented as well. The 2002 Topps Super Teams set comes from an era where sets featuring exclusively retired legends could actually exist. I knocked off a bunch of cards from my want list here, including a pair of serial-numbered foil parallels.

Speaking of foil parallels, the 2003 Bowman Heritage break was also fruitful for me. It mostly looks like Haren's regular "knothole" style card, but there is a rainbow foil finish to it.

And speaking of parallels in general, I landed a thick black Pujols parallel, complete with facsimile signature. Not bad!

Last, but certainly not least, is this Albert card from the 2007 Bowman Heritage set. It's a card that I swear I've seen several dozen times over the years, and yet didn't manage to own a single copy of until recently. I own most of this set, so it's a bit strange that Pujols has eluded me so long.

1 comment :

  1. Those Heritage Pujols cards are nice. I really wish there would be more non-baseball blogger box breaks. I'll try to catch the next one.


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