Tell me, though, how does this make sense? My Aparicio card is shipped to me for free, yet what incentive would I or anyone else possibly have for requesting a 1991 Roy Smith for close to $3? I thought the object was to give away cards. It's not like there's a shortage of 1991 Topps cards in this country or anything. There's actually a reasonably good chance that I could get an entire set of 1991 Topps for a few bucks if I tried hard enough.
Please don't send me a bunch of Roy Smith cards...
Moving along, I did plunk down $10 for a Topps cereal box over the weekend. It was my first cereal box from this set after picking up a few from last year's. I've actually already managed to get every Cardinals base card from the set and am just missing a number of Cardinals inserts for the team collection. I do need a ton of the Turkey Red inserts, though, and figured I'd take a shot at a Pujols refractor thing. As you can plainly see, however, I got stuck with Cy Young. Again. This makes 3 Cy Young refractors out of, I believe, 4 cereal boxes purchased from the past two years. (The other one was a Roberto Clemente.) Nobody needs 3 different Cy Young refractors unless you are the sort that has a Cleveland Naps pennant hanging above your fireplace. Can I trade these in for something else? Anyone?
Buying the cereal box also guaranteed me of receiving another code card, my first since the initial post a few months ago oddly enough. Everything shown as redeemed recently on the main page was a vintage card, so I figured I was relatively safe from receiving another Roy Smith card. I ended up with this Dodgers pitcher from the late '60s. I was hoping that this would be on Night Owl's wantlist, but I have no such luck. Hopefully it will draw more interest than good ol' Roy.

Sir, I'll be sending you an email. I've got 10 2010 Turkey Reds you need plus a couple of other items. I'd be happy to help you with your Cy Young problem.