Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cards on Cards is Now Mobile

Cards on Cards is now optimized for mobile devices, thanks to a recent Blogger feature release. It's now much easier to browse the blog on your phone, tablet or microchip embedded in your brain! The template only shows posts and no crucial sidebar links, so if you'd like to check out my attractive and interesting want lists, you'll need to scroll down and click on the View Web Version button near the bottom of the page.

WordPress, I believe, has had this functionality for awhile. If you're a Blogger blogger and you'd like to enable this feature (I highly recommend it) you can go to your Dashboard, click on the "Settings" tab and then select "Email & Mobile". Finally, turn the "Show Mobile Template" option to its "On" position. Congratulations! I can now read your blog on my public transportation-based commute to work with relative ease.


Comments are highly encouraged, but then again, so is eating your fruits and vegetables.