It bears mentioning that all cards in this post came courtesy of “é rayhahn, rayhahn”, a blog so great that I had to cut and paste its name to make sure I got it exactly right. The box I received from the rhubarb enthusiast was massive and many-faceted that this certainly won't be the last post that mentions it.
Prediction! Chris Carpenter will pitch in the first inning on Opening Day. Not only is Carp listed as the probably starter on Thursday afternoon's season debut, but he is also the expected starter. Suffice it to say that he could... nay... should(!) make the start.
Prediction! Colby Rasmus will drop a fly ball. The controversial center fielder may not always be on the same page as skipper Tony La Russa, and there's one thing he and Tony definitely do not see eye to eye on. La Russa has a zero tolerance policy towards making mistakes if you are young and full of talent, while Colby believes in the preternatural ability to temporarily lose focus and not catch everything in the sky that is headed towards him.
Prediction! Kyle Lohse will suffer through a lousy inning, and still claim that he "felt fine out there". Since pitchers are prone to losing their arms on a whim as well as the occasional spontaneous combustion, they always seem to feel the need to alert us when things aren't gravely serious with their health.
Prediction! Mark McGwire will not trade his hitting coach cap for a batting helmet. He will also not be elected to the Hall of Fame this year. Life goes on.
Prediction! Albert Pujols will be asked to discuss his contract future beyond this season. I know I'm going against the grain here, but I really feel that he won't be extremely thrilled to discuss it.
Prediction! Jaime Garcia will throw a pitch... wait for it... left-handed! I know everyone is waiting and anticipating the dreaded sophomore slump here, but I feel with utmost confidence that Garcia will continue to hurl it "southpaw style" and baffle those who were expecting the ball to move across the plate away from right-handed batters instead of towards them.
Prediction! Ryan Franklin will get a piece of food caught in his giant beard. This is more physics than astrology, people. Sometimes I don't understand the silly predictions that people make.

Prediction! Tony La Russa will get rather testy during a post-game news conference. Another Prediction! La Russa will use a bunch of different lineups throughout the season. In other words, the sun rises in the east, the earth orbits the sun, the moon orbits the earth and... the Cubs continue to suck.