Monday, September 18, 2023

Canadian Catch-Up Post


The catching up continues with another multi-sport package from north of the border. 
I am just a few posts away from being totally caught up and ready for the big move. This latest edition features cards from Canadian friend buckstorecards. And as fate would have it, the very first card I wanted to show off is, in fact, a Canadian one. (I do find it interesting that Upper Deck CFL cards have their California address on the back but state that they're printed in Canada.) Vernon Adams Jr. was with the Ducks for just a single season, but he had enough highs and lows to be remembered for quite some time.

Onterrio Smith will be remembered for a long time as well, but for a much different reason.

I couldn't quite get a good scan of this chunky die cut J-Stew card, but suffice it to say that it's a good one and it looks great in hand. It's numbered to just 15.

This is quite a bold card design. The former Eagles start TE is married to soccer star Julie Ertz, who recently announced her retirement from the US National Team.

Switching sports over to the one with the big round ball, I have to say that I pretty much never see Panini Recon cards. I'm guessing this is typically a hobby-only product, and Panini's price points for their hobby basketball card boxes don't ever make sense no matter what your budget is like.

I've managed to accumulate some impressive Ducks football jersey cards, but it's much more rare that I come across a Ducks hoops one. I'll have to try to watch more Ducks basketball games this coming season, although I think I say that every year. Some years it just works better than others.

I don't always scan every card when showing off these larger packages, but I absolutely have to show off every Goodwin Champions card I get because they are so ridiculous.

From wonky Drexler art to a fancy Prizm auto, we get a look at a key cog of the Ducks team that went to the Final Four back in 2017. Dorsey has mostly played professionally overseas, but did get into a couple of NBA games last season with the Dallas Mavericks.

Finally, we switch over to baseball with a card from the 10 Most Wanted list.

I don't officially collect Ducks baseball players, but autographs of players in Oregon uniforms? More of these, please! Anthony Hall was a 4th round pick in 2022 and is currently in A ball in the Yankees system.

Oh, there is more! Josh Kasevich was a 2nd round pick of the Blue Jays last year and spent this season in the Northwest playing for the Vancouver Canadians. Nice!


  1. And Adams is now in Vancouver as well with the BC Lions, making this a nice little sandwich post.

  2. I know that some people like them, but I will never understand the appeal of Goodwin Champions. That Stewart parallel is really neat. It almost looks like a weird Christmas tree.


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