I made a trade with Justin from the blog
Is This a Wasteland - No It's Tampa Bay Sports recently and am here to tell you all about it. He had a simple request for just two short printed extras that I had from the 2008 Allen & Ginter set. In exchange, he generously sent over a handful of A&G cards that I needed from 2009.
This Josh Hamilton reminds me that I got a package from Play at the Plate yesterday, but that's for another day to discuss.
Ahh, Doc Holliday, friend of Earp. I'm somewhat surprised that there wasn't some sort of gimmick card featuring Roy Halladay with this guy's name or his picture on the Blue Jay's card. Something like that. Maybe I think too much. This is a much-needed short-printed card, although there's a ton of everything that I still need for this set.
Speaking of much-needed, Justin is the first person to send me something from my 2008 A&G want list in a very long time. I'm now down to needing just 10 cards (8 SPs.)
Justin also threw in a couple of Cardinal surprises (the best kind!) including a Bob Gibson Legends of the Game card and this Ryan Ludwick jersey. Justin, close your eyes now. (Guys, I now have three of these, and I'm hardly someone who is swimming in relics. Something is going on here. My girlfriend has suggested that I attempt to reconstruct one of Ludwick's jerseys. I do think I'll have a hard time trading this, though. This is one kind of double I don't mind having.) Okay, all clear, you can open your eyes now.
Thanks again to Justin for the trade. I am going to have to do some research and find out which Legends of the Game cards I am still missing, with all the store-exclusive ones and the new Updates & Highlights stuff. If Justin wants to work out another trade down the road, I'll definitely look for a relic card to toss in.
Earlier this year I remember seeing a few fat packs (is that what a 12 card pack would be) of 2008 A&G at Walmart. I bought one or two, but that was before I understand A&G madness. I wish I could find some more.