Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Free Fleer Group Break - Second Round!

This is open to participants only. Please select your second team. 1... 2... 3... go!

Closed! Thanks for participating.


  1. Twins. I'll hook rhubarb up if I get the card he needs.

  2. How'd I miss the original sign-ups... I picked the wrong day of the week to go to the office I guess... Ah well, I'll be watching for fun anyhow (and hounding Night Owl for any cool Reds).

  3. If forced to choose (and I believe we are :-)), I will take the Indians. If someone else wants the Indians, I would take the Giants or Tigers.

  4. Looks like I missed this. Long night in Indianaland. And both the Tigers and White Sox are still sitting there! *slaps forehead*

  5. I was going to say Red Sox or Indians, but let's have some fun and not mention the other team for this one...

  6. I'll take the White Sox as my second Team.

  7. Looks like I have the Marlins...


Comments are highly encouraged, but then again, so is eating your fruits and vegetables.