Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Trading with $30 a Week Habit

Don't look at me that way! Yes, I know I'm doing another post about 2011 Heritage. No, this won't be the last you see of this set. Let's just call this month the "Cards on Cards 2011 Heritage Month". It's not really all that different than last month, though, to be honest. This post is about a stack of cards I got from Robert of $30 a Week Habit. If you're so inclined, feel free to stop by his blog and warn him of all of the perils of card collecting because it appears he's already blown his budget just two weeks in.

I wouldn't necessarily say that Gibby and Jered are great to compare side-by-side, but Weaver has certainly had an impressive season.

Mariner 2 Successfully Encounters Venus. Meanwhile, Seattle Mariners Successfully Score Almost as Many Runs as Rangers.

Do they really need to put the registered trademark symbol after the Yankees? You wouldn't see that in a headline of an article or anything. It annoys.

Keep the Heritage trades coming, please. I'm making good progress. I have a decent amount of doubles. Send me an email and all that good stuff.

1 comment :

  1. Thanks for the write up, enjoyed the comment about the "perils of card collecting", it actually gave me quite the chuckle this morning. Looking forward to trading with you more in the future. Thanks, Robert


Comments are highly encouraged, but then again, so is eating your fruits and vegetables.